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Military Spec Kneeboard
Описание товара
Military Spec Kneeboards - Available Exclusively from Sporty's
These kneeboards are currently in use by Air Force and Navy pilots as well as other members of the U.S. Dept. of Defense. They were adopted by the Air Force and Navy because of their proven reliability, high quality, and lightweight construction. The wide elastic strap, contoured bottom with non-slip foam strips, and rounded corners allow for comfortable use. The deluxe model features a rheostat lighting system for both day and night use, and the top clip opens wide enough to hold all but the thickest NACO approach plate books. We feel these Military Spec Kneeboards are the finest of their type-for both day and night flying.
Sporty's Kneeboard
Same high quality construction and features as our Deluxe Lighted Kneeboard, except it does not have a light. Overall measurements are 10" x 5"; weighs 10 oz.
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Military Spec Kneeboard
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These kneeboards are currently in use by Air Force and Navy pilots as well as other members of the U.S. Dept. of Defense. They were adopted by the Air Force and Navy because of their proven reliability, high quality, and lightweight construction. The wide elastic strap, contoured bottom with non-slip foam strips, and rounded corners allow for comfortable use. The deluxe model features a rheostat lighting system for both day and night use, and the top clip opens wide enough to hold all but the thickest NACO approach plate books. We feel these Military Spec Kneeboards are the finest of their type-for both day and night flying.
Sporty's Kneeboard
Same high quality construction and features as our Deluxe Lighted Kneeboard, except it does not have a light. Overall measurements are 10" x 5"; weighs 10 oz.' />
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