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Sporty's Private Pilot Training Course Outline and Syllabus

Sporty's Private Pilot Training Course Outline and Syllabus
Описание товара
The Training Course Outline is the direct connection between Sporty's® Complete Learn to Fly Course and the individual training with your flight instructor. It is a step-by-step, lesson-by-lesson guide to completing your flight training in a logical, structured manner. Adherence to this training curriculum will assure that all necessary training requirements are met as defined by the FAA and that your flight training will coincide with the Private Pilot path of the Learn to Fly Course. Ground lessons and suggestions for additional study are integrated with the flight lessons. There is also space for evaluation by your flight instructor to document your proficiency in each task so that the Training Course Outline can serve as your permanent training record.
Each lesson within the Training Course Outline is indexed to Sporty's Complete Learn to Fly Course videos (DVD, Online, or iOS/Apple TV apps). An "Additional Study" section provides the exact volumes and segments you should review for each lesson. This format also allows you to properly prepare in advance for the time spent with your flight instructor and allows that time to be spent more efficiently. 84 pages.
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Sporty's Private Pilot Training Course Outline and Syllabus
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Each lesson within the Training Course Outline is indexed to Sporty's Complete Learn to Fly Course videos (DVD, Online, or iOS/Apple TV apps). An "Additional Study" section provides the exact volumes and segments you should review for each lesson. This format also allows you to properly prepare in advance for the time spent with your flight instructor and allows that time to be spent more efficiently. 84 pages.' />
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