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Microsoft Flight Simulator X - Steam Edition

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Head for the skies in the world’s favourite flight simulator as you take off from almost anywhere in...
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Head for the skies in the world’s favourite flight simulator as you take off from almost anywhere in the world whilst flying some of the most iconic aircraft to any one of 24,000 destinations.

Take the controls of aircraft such as the 747 jumbo jet, F/A-18 Hornet, P-51D Mustang and the EH-101 helicopter.

There is an aircraft for every kind of flying adventure.

Firstly select your starting point, set the time, the season and the weather and then take off from one of more than 24,000 available airports and explore a world of aviation beauty that will entrance you as it has millions of flight simulation fans from across the globe for the past thirty years. 

This brilliant Microsoft Flight Simulator X Steam Edition gives players a connected world where you can choose who they want to be, from air-traffic controllers, co-pilots and pilots.

The Racing mode lets you compete against friends with four types of racing including Red Bull Air Race courses, the unlimited Reno National Championship course plus cross country, competition sailplane courses and fictional courses such as the Hoop and Jet Canyon.

You will also be able to test your skills with the three different levels of difficulty with simple pylon racing to racing highly challenging courses in a variety of weather conditions.

With over 80 missions, you can test your prowess to earn rewards. Try your hand at Search and Rescue, Test Pilot and Carrier Operations. Keep track of your achievements on each mission and improve your skill levels until you’re ready for the next challenge.

FSX Steam Edition enables flight simming pilots to fly the aircraft of their dreams be it the De Havilland DHC-2 Beaver floatplane, the Grumman G-21A Goose, the AirCreation 582SL Ultralight or the Maule M7 Orion featuring wheels and skis. Add to your collection of aircraft and improve the fidelity of your world with FSX Add-ons.

The inclusion of AI-controlled jet ways, fuel trucks and moving baggage carts just adds extra realism to the experience of flying at busy airports.

Whether you want to challenge your friends to a heart-pounding race or just take in the scenery, FSX Steam Edition will immerse you in a dynamic, living world that brings a realistic flying experience into your home.  Microsoft Flight Simulator X Steam Edition includes Windows 8.1 support.  

  • 24,000 airports
  • 24 aircraft
  • Choose to be a pilot, co-pilot or air traffic controller
  • Racing mode allows competitions such as the Red Bull Air Race
  • Three levels of difficulty
  • Varying weather conditions add realism to the challenge of flying
  • 80 missions
  • Add to the collection of aircraft with FSX add-ons
Required Software Microsoft Flight Simulator X / 2004 / FSX:SE
Operating System Windows XP (SP2) or later
Processor Pentium 4 2.0GHz or Greater
Memory 2 GB system memory
Graphics Dedicated graphics card with 256 MB Memory
Hard Drive 1 GB available space

Broadband Connection require + Free Steam account

If you are not familiar with Steam you can check it out here http://store.steampowered.com/about/

Артикул SIM010
Microsoft Flight Simulator X - Steam Edition
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