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Terminal Procedures Publications - Bound

Terminal Procedures Publications - Bound
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These bound approach plates include all instrument approaches, arrival/departure procedures and airport diagrams (where available). A convenient, compact size (5 3/8" x 8 1/4"). Regional coverage allows you to purchase only the charts you need. Available in bound book style or loose leaf pages (requires binder).Always current charts
You will receive only current, up-to-date charts. Revised every 56 days. Let Sporty's do the work for you. We can automatically send you new charts as they come available. Simply select one of the subscription options in the drop down box above. The new charts ship out before the current ones expire. There are no handling fees for this service. You will only be charged the price of the chart, plus the USPS postage.
Ordering information
1. Choose the coverage area you need
2. Enter the desired quantity
3. Choose Singe Chart Only to receive the current chart; choose Chart With Subscription to receive the current chart and start a subscription for this chart; or choose Subscription Only to start a subscription for this chart and receive the next effective date (not the current chart).
4. Click Add to Cart to start checkout
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Ordering information
1. Choose the coverage area you need
2. Enter the desired quantity
3. Choose Singe Chart Only to receive the current chart; choose Chart With Subscription to receive the current chart and start a subscription for this chart; or choose Subscription Only to start a subscription for this chart and receive the next effective date (not the current chart).
4. Click Add to Cart to start checkout' />
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